Friday 15 March 2013

Live Art: Noob Portrait, for Tara

I made this for Tara (click) (twitter: @tarabyte_rbx) hope she likes my retexture :)

Link to the retexture model: 

Also if you're on ROBLOX join a group which Tara leads 

The purpose of this group is to help those interested in learning how to retexture find out all they need to know to become experts.

A group where Tara hosts contests for members to enter their retextures which are most likely to get published! 


Sunday 3 March 2013

ROBLOX Contest entry

I just wanted to share something I made for the ROBLOX Contest which is aimed at all of the Artists out there on ROBLOX.
(read more about the contest on the ROBLOX Blog)

I wanted to create something different than anyone else will... Something... Maybe something showing the future of ROBLOX...

I've included 'future features of ROBLOX' such as mirrors, bending, lights and shadows where lights and shadows are already a feature which is being worked on by the ROBLOX Team! I wanted to leave out the space black to make you focus on the center where the 'action' is happening. I have not used any other Graphic Manipulation software to edit this up so the ROBLOXian has no face.
 (read more about the feature on the ROBLOX Blog)

click the image for full size
My piece of Fan-Art:

Hope you guys like it...

BTW. This does have a watermark yes, but the watermark is my ROBLOX username.
